One of the Taniwha, the Maori monsters. They are the spirits of the dead and harass the inhabitants of the coast and the sailors. Its head and extremities are human, but they have a long tail made of fish and a long, hollow tongue.
This monster, a cross between a snake and an elephant, is as old as the world and lives in a deep cave in the Richtersveld. It is intelligent and powerful and is willing to bargain with its victims if they offer a large amount of gems and diamonds.
Species of dragon of six short legs similar to those of a bear, a torso similar to the one of an ox with a shell of turtle to its back and a scaly tail that finish in the sting of a scorpion. Its head is similar to that of a lion with horse ears.
A large, hairy, muscular, bipedal, ape-like creature covered with dark brown hair. It hides and survives in the woods without coming into conflict with humans.
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